Tuesday, 19 July 2011


   Acne is the most common of all skin problems. It occurs mostly on the face and, to a lesser extent, on the back, chest and shoulders. It is more common in males and usually begins at puberty.
   Acne usually occurs at the most self-conscious time for boys and girls and always produces a crop of spots - just when they don’t want them!
   This common problem of adolescence has two main causes: a hormonal and a dietary one. The hormonal cause is related to the level of male hormones, and is most obvious during puberty, when profound physical changes are started by various hormonal triggers. The dietary factor is related to the body’s ability to break down fats and carbohydrates.
   One of the most successful herbs used in the treatment of both male and female acne is Agnus-Castus. Taken for about three months to get the full effect, it works by helping the body to balance its hormonal swings. In many cases of acne, it has been found that increased levels of toxins are found in the blood absorbed from the gut - in fact, 50% of patients with severe acne have increased blood toxins. Herbs such as Bogbean, Echinacea and Dandelion are excellent to help the body clean itself  of these toxins.
   Minerals such as Zinc have been found very helpful in many studies; 45 mg of Zinc Picolinate each day is very good since it is much better absorbed from the gut than other forms of zinc.
   Externally, a lotion like a Tea-Tree wash or Calendula (Marigold) lotion is very helpful to help keep the skin clear of harmful bacteria (which will only make the acne worse).
   Dabbing on a Tea-Tree Antiseptic Ointment on the spot always helps to clear and dry up the spot faster.
   Don’t pick spots as scarring can result and is almost impossible to get rid of later on.
   Your diet must also be looked at. Increasing the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables and reducing fats, especially milk and other dairy products, as well as stopping high levels of sugar, will provide you with good results. A diet high in fats and sugars - beloved by so many teenagers - will only make the acne much worse.