Monday, 20 January 2014


Tonic herbs have been used for centuries to help people cope with the stress and strain of living. This stress, both physical and mental, can weaken our immune system response. To determine your immune function, ask yourself the following questions; if you answer “yes” to any of them, your immune system would probably benefit from the support of a tonic herb:
·      Do you catch cold easily?
·      Do you get more than two colds a year?
·      Are you suffering chronic infection?
·      Do you get frequent cold sores or have genital herpes?
·      Are your lymph glands sore and swollen at times?
·      Do you have now or have you ever had cancer?
·      Are you tired most of the time?
            Recurrent or chronic infections - even very mild colds - occur only when the immune system is weakened. Under such circumstances, there is a repetitive cycle that makes it difficult to overcome the tendency towards infection; a weakened immune system leads to infection, infection causes damage to the immune system, which further weakens resistance. Enhancing the immune system by taking tonic herbs like Astragalus and/or Ginseng will often provide the answer to breaking the cycle.
            Previously we’ve looked at Ginseng; this week we’ll look at Astragalus, a herb which is rapidly gaining fame in the West as an immune stimulant. To classify it as an immune herb, however, is to overlook its broader use as a tonic. It strengthens the body systems (especially the lungs), improves the digestion and builds up the blood. Also, it increases endurance and body weight in animals.
            In the Chinese world-view, Astragalus acts like the protective shield around the body, not unlike the shield around the starship Enterprise on the popular TV series, Star Trek. When overall Qi is weakened, or energy becomes depleted, this protective Qi is weakened, and we become more susceptible to colds and sweat more easily. A deficiency of protective Qi (or immune system weakness) is what makes AIDS patients so susceptible to opportunistic infections; Astragalus has a demonstrated effect in strengthening AIDS patients. Returning to my Star Trek analogy, you can think of Astragalus as a bit like Scotty in the Enterprise engine room, working feverishly to restore power to the shield before the Klingons can destroy the ship.
            Astragalus gained fame in scientific circles in the 1980s as a possible immune-stimulating and anti-cancer herb. In one trial with 19 cancer patients, it restored the function of the T-cells in 90% of the patients (T-cells are the main immune cells that attack tumours). In another trial, Astragalus, along with other tonic herbs, increased the survival time of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Unfortunately, funding for this promising research in the US was closed because any eventual product could not be patented, and a drugs company would not be able to recoup its investment.
            Astragalus can be combined with Ginseng if there is a lot of fatigue along with poor immune system functioning.
            Astragalus is not used if you have a strong infection; otherwise it has no known toxicity. The Chinese also use this herb along with others to combat allergies like rhinitis and asthma.
            Many people use Echinacea to strengthen their immune response, whereas Astragalus would be a much better choice. Echinacea should be left for the inset of a cold, where it is very effective and able to stop a cold in its tracks.

David Foley
Medical Herbalist


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

New Year Detox

The New Year is here again, how it’s flown by. Time to think of where we are, and how we would like to change our life. Life is a journey towards perfection; one must be always aiming at perfection but live in the reality of not being perfect and content with where we are, at any given time. A great way to start the year is with a detox.
One of the bodies’ natural means of staying healthy is its ability to detoxify itself. It is impossible to be totally toxin free; the body always must maintain a balance through elimination and neutralization of body toxins in order to maintain health. As living beings we cannot escape toxins. An interesting example of the symbiotic relationship between the body and its “toxins” is the digestive system. Our digestive system contains the intestinal micro-flora, composed of hundreds of fungal and bacterial strains. This internal environment is essential for good health. This micro-flora has been shown to perform essential functions such as vitamin and mineral production and utilization, regulating intestinal pH and stimulating antibody production.
Body toxins can be divided into two types – one created by the body itself and one, which result from accumulation of chemical and heavy metal environmental pollutants. Both may in turn predispose an individual to infections, especially viral, fungal and parasitic infections. This is the reason why it is good to detox at regular intervals.
The organs of detoxification are the liver, kidneys, bowels, lungs and the skin. Avoiding harmful chemicals found in such things as junk food, drugs or smoking, as well as supporting the organs in their detoxifying action is vital in maintaining and restoring health. Sufficient fluid intake, up to 2-3 litres of water a day, supports the eliminating function of the kidney, the bowels and the skin. We often forget the skins vital function as detoxifying organ; yet many therapies rest on its ability to do so, including saunas, which promote sweating.
Healthy circulatory and lymphatic systems support detoxification. When those become sluggish, too many waste products are left behind in the tissues. Regular exercise and alternating hot and cold baths or showers invigorate both, the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Fasting is a very effective method of detoxification, though it is only appropriate for individuals in good health. It is unwise to fast if unwell, weak after an illness or if you have a digestive problem like a peptic ulcer.
Herbal remedies are great at aiding detoxification – they will both eliminate and neutralize toxins in the body. Remedies to aid the eliminating function of the kidneys include Dandelion leaf, Cleavers and Celery seed. These herbs will help the kidneys pass metabolites like uric acid and urea, which can cause joint and muscle pain.
The liver is the main organ of both elimination and neutralization. Remedies like Dandelion root, Milk Thistle and Sheep’s Sorrel will greatly aid this vital organ in its job, of keeping the body balance of toxins at the correct levels, in order to maintain good health.

Happy New Year to all the readers, may it be a good one!

David Foley

Medical Herbalist