Thursday, 17 January 2013

Treating Sore Throats

With the chills of winter, many will suffer colds and sore throats. This week we will look at sore throats and how to treat them.
Firstly, the throat is the first line of defence of the body against Airborne Pathogens along with our nose. This is why it contains a host of lymphatic tissue called the Tonsils. This glandular tissue shares with other lymphatic tissue a major role in the defence of the body from infections. The inflammation of the tonsils-tonsillitis, demonstrates that these glands are fulfilling their purpose of protecting the body. The appropriate treatment aims at supporting the body in dealing with the infection.
The throat may also become sore due to the other factors, such as, Post-nasal drip from chronic overproduction of catarrh from the Sinuses, or problems of the lungs, nose or stomach.
If the sore throat is accompanied by a hoarse voice the problem lies in the larynx (or voice box). Sometimes a sore throat can be the start of a more severe infection like glandular fever. The severity of the illness can usually be measured by how high the fever becomes and how sick the person feels.
The Streptococcus bacteria, detectable only by lab tests, through a throat culture, cause a strep throat. Like all infections sore throats are more likely to develop when the body is susceptible and persistence is low. Cold weather and chills from wet hair and skin leave the body open to attack. The flu centre in the U.K. proves what has been known since the year dot that cold weather and chills leave one more prone to catching a cold. Other factors, which can irritate a throat, include inhaling irritating substances, such as smoke or dust.
Chronic sore throats may be due to a weakened immune system, allergies or chronic irritations. A lump in the throat, unaccompanied by an infection, is a sign of emotional strain or grief and will disappear when the difficult period is over or the problem resolved.
One of the best remedies for a sore throat is Echinacea root tincture taken at doses of 5ml three to four times a day. It will aid the immune system in dealing with the infection, as well as acting like an antiseptic agent against the bacteria causing the infection. Vitamin C and Zinc lozenges will also help alleviate a sore throat by mobilizing the immune system. Throat sprays containing Anti-bacterial agents like Fenugreek and Echinacea will kill germs locally and also sooth the throat with herbs, like liquorice and honey.Garlic is also excellent as an Antibiotic especially mixed with honey. Try a honey with plenty of essential oils like Eucalyptus or Manuka honey.
Chronic sore throats if due to a weakened immune system need herbs to boost the immune system. Herbs like Astragalus, Ginseng or Reshi mushrooms along with soothing herbs like liquorice will aid a full recovery from a chronic sore throat.

David Foley
Medical Herbalist

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