Last week I looked at the functions of the largest organ of the human body, the skin. This week and next, I’ll look at the many ways we can keep this vital organ in optimum health. The secret of gaining good health of anybody’s system is to do any treatments for it on a regular basis; an occasional approach will never give any lasting benefit.
To keep the skin in good condition, two methods of treatment are necessary: detoxification and aiding circulation to the skin.

Skin brushing is best done before you shower or bathe and while your skin is still dry; it need take only a few minutes - five, at most. Once you decide to start using skin brushing to improve your skin and health, you should also make up your mind that it will become a daily routine. And because it makes you feel so good (never mind looking good), very soon you’ll feel as lost without it as if you’d forgotten to brush your teeth!
Select from a bath-nit or loofah or a natural bristle body-brush. You should start brushing gently. At first expect what is called a “red reaction,” which shows that your circulation is responding to the stimulation you are giving it. The action of brushing needs to be circular, “creeping” and firm, but not irritating. Circular motion helps avoid rubbing over one area too much: at first once or twice over the same area is adequate. The “creeping” movement has the effect of moving over the whole body without lifting the brush. Avoid breast tissue and be very gentle on the inner thighs.
Again it is emphasised that you should start slowly and gently. After a week or so of skin brushing, the skin becomes less tender and you can increase the vigour of your brushing.
Epsom Salt baths are one of the most effective methods of detoxification, especially useful for a sufferer of rheumatic complaints. There are a number of contra-indications: anyone with cardiac conditions or diabetes or anyone with a skin condition that is “open,” like weeping eczema.
Method: Place 1 lb. of commercial Epsom Salts (available from any pharmacy and most health shops) plus one quarter lb. to one half lb. of sea salt into a warm bath. Stay in the bath for not less than 10 minutes and not more than 20 minutes. Keep the water as hot as you can bear. When you get out, do not shower; just towel yourself dry and get into a pre-warmed bed. You’ll sweat heavily and sleep even more heavily. Have water by the bed to drink. In the morning take a shower and apply a moisturiser to the whole skin.
It is not recommended that you take an Epsom Salt bath more than once a week, and once a month is probably the ideal for general detoxification purposes and stimulation of skin function.
Next week I’ll again explore methods of treating your skin, this time the use of your shower and herbals oils.
David Foley
MNIMH, MRCHM Medical Herbalist
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